Nesting layout

The Nesting Center API produces nesting layouts from selected parts and material. Optimally all parts are placed in the material and minimal area of material is used. In the general case some parts may not be nested because there is not enough material. The nesting layout which is a result of nesting computations contains the list of used material sheets and list of the nested parts with their locations. Additionally, the result contains statistical information like total area used, nested mass, scrap ratio.

Nesting result data

A nesting result is a JSON object that describes the result produced during layout computations.


Property Description
JobId The ID of the computation job.
Result The nesting result data with lists of used material and nested parts.
ResultVersion The version of the result.

Result example

  "JobId": "17576-8361a14a-51b7-4903",
  "Result": {},
  "ResultVersion": 1

Nesting layout data

The nesting layout object is placed under the “Result” property. Nesting layout data contains information about used material and nested parts.


Property Description
AreaPartsNested The total area of all nested parts.
AreaPartsUnnested The total area of all unnested parts.
LengthPartContours The total length of the contours (including holes) of all nested parts.
NM Nested mass: The total nested mass of all nested parts divided by the total mass of all input parts.
NRPA Nested raw plates area: The total area of the raw plates used in this result.
NRPC Nested raw plates cost: The total cost of the raw plates used in this result.
RawPlateNestedLast The index in RawPlatesNested array indicating the raw plate which was filled as the last one.
RawPlatesNested The array of nested raw plates.
Scrap The scrap value, with the rest plate in the last raw plate taken into account. The total area of nested parts divided by the total area of the raw plates used reduced by the rest plate area in the last raw plate.
Scrap2 The scrap value, with the rest plate in the last raw plate not taken into account. The total area of nested parts divided by the total area of the raw plates used.
SequentialData Additional data associated with this result.
Time The timestamp of this result, in milliseconds.

Nesting layout example

  "Result": {
    "AreaPartsNested": 9685.84,
    "AreaPartsUnnested": 0,
    "LengthPartContours": 745.67,
    "NM": 1,
    "NRPA": 15000,
    "NRPC": 15000,
    "RawPlateNestedLast": 0,
    "RawPlatesNested": [], 
    "Scrap": 0.031,
    "Scrap2": 0.35,
    "SequentialData": {},
    "Time": 432

Nested raw plate

A nested raw plate is a JSON object that describes a nested raw plate.


Property Description
AreaRawPlateTotal The area of the raw plate.
AreaRawPlateUsed The used area of the raw plate (the rest plate excluded).
AreaPartsNested The total area of all parts nested in this raw plate.
LengthPartContours The total length of the contours (including holes) of all parts nested in this raw plate.
LengthUsed The length of this raw plate used by the nested parts.
PartsNested The array of parts nested in this raw plate.
RawPlateIndex The index of the used raw plate in the input array of raw plates.
StripsNested Optional property specific to “Strips” nesting mode. The array of strips defined as boxes with the X, Y coordinates.
Scrap The scrap value with the rest plate taken into account.
Scrap2 The scrap value with the rest plate not taken into account.
UsedLengthIndication The coordinates for the used length indication segment.

Nested raw plate example

  "RawPlatesNested": [ 
      "AreaRawPlateTotal": 15000, 
      "AreaRawPlateUsed": 10000, 
      "AreaPartsNested": 9685.84, 
      "LengthPartContours": 745.67, 
      "LengthUsed": 100.00, 
      "PartsNested": [], 
      "RawPlateIndex": 0, 
      "Scrap": 0.031, 
      "Scrap2": 0.35 

Nested part

A nested part is a JSON object that describes a single nested part.


Property Description
PartIndex The index of the part in the input array of parts.
Transformation The transformation of this nested part. The order of the base transformations is mirroring, then rotation, then translation.
InsertionPt The insertion point of the part, specifies the position of the reference point of the input part in the nested raw plate.
Mirror A value specifying whether the part is mirrored. Mirroring means horizontal reflection (by the Y axis). Mirroring is performed with respect to the reference point of the part.
Rotation The CCW rotation of the part in radians. The original (input) rotation of the part corresponds to 0.0. The order of the base transformations is mirroring, then rotation, then translation. (Thus, rotation is always performed CCW, even if mirroring is on.) Rotation is performed with respect to the reference point of the part.

Nested part example

  "PartsNested": [
      "PartIndex": 0,
      "Transformation": {
        "InsertionPt": {
          "X": 0.00,
          "Y": 100.00
        "Mirror": false,
        "Rotation": 4.71

Complete nesting layout

Nesting layout example

  "JobId": "17576-8361a14a-51b7-4903-9a68",
  "Result": {
    "AreaPartsNested": 9685.84,
    "AreaPartsUnnested": 0,
    "LengthPartContours": 745.67,
    "NM": 1,
    "NRPA": 15000,
    "NRPC": 15000,
    "RawPlateNestedLast": 0,
    "RawPlatesNested": [
        "AreaRawPlateTotal": 15000,
        "AreaRawPlateUsed": 10000,
        "AreaPartsNested": 9685.84,
        "LengthPartContours": 745.67,
        "LengthUsed": 100.00,
        "PartsNested": [
            "PartIndex": 0,
            "Transformation": {
              "InsertionPt": {
                "X": 0.00,
                "Y": 100.00
              "Mirror": false,
              "Rotation": 4.71
            "PartIndex": 1,
            "Transformation": {
              "InsertionPt": {
                "X": 0,
                "Y": 0
              "Mirror": false,
              "Rotation": 0
        "RawPlateIndex": 0,
        "Scrap": 0.031,
        "Scrap2": 0.35
    "Scrap": 0.031,
    "Scrap2": 0.35,
    "SequentialData": {},
    "Time": 432
  "ResultVersion": 1